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Nourish your Heart on Valentine’s Day ❤️ Sound Bath & Meditation with Cindy Jo

A beautiful evening of self-care time to dive into deep relaxation, connecting with the vast open, Powerfully healing wisdom at the center of our heart, and the core essence of the true Self, LOVE ❤️ the practice of consciously expanding, our hard energy, is a path to loving ourselves deeply, and cultivating loving kindness and compassion in the world. For the journey, Cindy Jo will use the loving frequencies that made it through Crystal Ambras bolts, drums, chimes, and more, to enable Yer to enter, a deep, alpha, feta, brainwave state, in which healing is stimulated at the cellular level, providing a therapeutic and transformational experience. All are welcome. Is not a yoga class. No experience required. Comfortable layered clothing recommended and anything needed for your comfort, including a yoga mat or chair, pillow, cushion, or blanket. We have some for you to use if needed. Reserve your spot today.

Only $25 for Early Birds ALL WITH Love.


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